

January 7, 2018

I am a big fan of Creative Commons. Without Creative Commons licensing, my work would not be seen and used on as many videos and other works.

Creative Commons Licensed Works

Three of my works are freely available via the Free Music Archive:

These works are also available via the Vimeo Music Store.

In general, I license my tracks under Creative Commons NonCommercial Attribution Required. This means that if you attribute my work and aren’t selling your video or remix, you are free to use it. All other uses will have to contact me directly at I am very open to usage; contact me and we’ll talk.

My Policy for Creative Commons NonCommercial Use

In response to some feedback about my use of a NonCommercial license, here are some common use cases of my music that I consider NonCommercial and I guarantee I will not enforce. I consider these NonCommercial in terms of the clause: “A commercial use is one primarily intended for commercial advantage or monetary compensation.”

  • Blog posts/Tweets/Social media sharing my music that generate advertising income for the user.
  • Use in any Streams/DJ Mixes/Radio Plays
  • Music videos shared on YouTube/Vimeo/Other video sharing whose primary purpose is not to make money (i.e., videos for friends, family, fan videos, charitable causes, educational purposes, or the public good)
  • Remixes that are for freely available compilations or whose primary purpose is not to make money (i.e., remixes for friends, family, fan remixes, charitable causes, educational purposes, or the public good)

You should consider these applications as Commercial and requiring an explicit license from me:

  • Any video whose purpose is advertising a product or whose purpose is to make money. This includes, commercials, promotional videos, and movies made by professionals for money.
  • Selling my music in any format for money. 
  • Remixing my music in any format for money.

Works I do not handle licensing for

I do not handle licensing for Astoria. Please contact Audiobulb for licensing information.